WEALTHINESS OF HEALTH EDUCATION

World Health Organization defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not the absence of disease and disability. This definition was an acknowledgement that health is more than non-disease. Health has been linked with productivity and better academic performance. Health education enables a person to remain physically fit and in proper health. Health education builds students' knowledge, skills, and positive attitudes about health. It motivates students to improve and maintain their health, prevent disease, and reduce risky behaviors. Health education curricula and instruction help students learn skills they will use to make healthy choices throughout their lifetime.
KEY WORDS : health education, non- disease, productivity, disability, skills, risky behaviours,  positive atitudes.

    People in both developed and developing countries are seeking better health and better education.   Health has been linked with productivity and better academic performance.  World Health Organization defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not the absence of disease and disability. This definition was an acknowledgement that health is more than non-disease. Health Education may be defined as a process with intellectual, psychological and social dimensions relating to activities which increase the abilities of people to make informed decisions affecting their personal, family and community, well-being.
     Health education enables a person to remain physically fit and in proper health. Health education also teaches about the emotional and mental health of the student. A healthy person is the happiest person in the world. A healthy person can enjoy life fully. He can carry out his duties in a responsible manner. He is an asset to the family, the society and to the entire nation. He is always full of energy. He lives a long and happy life. A healthy peasant is happier than a monarch without health. Health education encourages a person to make healthy choices.
     The manifest and latent functions of education are important for the development   of the   society   because   of   the   socio-economic   and   cultural implications.   Health therefore, enables the student to accomplish the goals of educational programme and it help students to value health as a worthwhile asset and enable them to make informed decisions about health matters. Apart from that the amount of people falling to common sicknesses indeed increases from a year to another. So it is very necessary to taught health education in schools.   
   The effect health education is designed to alter attitudes and behaviour in matters concerning health and environment.  Through health education, students are encourages to follow the rules for the preservation of health. Healthy habits should be formed in childhood and youth .The more people (students) know about their own health, the better they are able to  take  appropriate measures  in such  matters  as   diet,  exercise,  use  of alcohol,   tobacco,  teenage  pregnancy general diseases and hygiene. Good health is a resource for everyday living, which enables students to enjoy life, achieve academically and make them happy citizens contributing to the socio-economic and cultural development of the nation.
   Health education builds students' knowledge, skills, and positive attitudes about health. Health education teaches about physical, mental, emotional and social health. It motivates students to improve and maintain their health, prevent disease, and reduce risky behaviors. Health education curricula and instruction help students learn skills they will use to make healthy choices throughout their lifetime.
Good health is pre-condition for good education. There is a saying that, sound mind lives in a sound body. So education cannot be acquired without the proper frame of the mind and proper frame of mind cannot be possible without proper health and hygiene. Health education is the very foundation of every successful public health programs me so one of the main functions educations should be to help every c hild develop a healthy body, an alert mind and sound emotional attitudes.
  Reference: https//google.com


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